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Unsere Buchempfehlung April 2024: Growing Vegetables in Drought, Desert & Dry Times

The Complete Guide to Organic Gardening without Wasting Water

von Mauren Gilmer, erschienen bei Sasqatch Books , Seattle 2015, 9. Auflage 2021, 250 Seiten, gebunden.

Growing Vegetables in Drought, Desert & Dry Times: The Complete Guide to Organic Gardening without Wasting Water is the definitive guide to growing healthy organic vegetables without wasting our precious water resources!

This incredibly timely book will give dedicated home gardeners the know-how to grow delicious produce in dry times, focusing on four different low-water conditions in the western United States:

  • Voluntary water conservation (Freiwilliger Wasserschutz)

  • Drought (Trockenheitsgebiete)

  • High Desert region (Spezielles Wüstengebiet, das 600-1200 m über dem Meer in Kalifornien liegen)

  • Low Desert region (Spezielles Wüstengebiet, das 150-600 m über dem Meer in Kalifornien liegen)

Using modern techniques, as well as tips and stories from native traditions ranging from the southwestern United States to the Middle East, this guide offers the best of ancient wisdom and the newest innovations in conservation, and includes varietal recommendations and a seasonal crop guide.

Maureen Gilmer is a second generation Californian with over thirty years experience in arid climate gardening, landscape architecture and the environment. She has published 18 books and countless magazine features on plants, gardening design and wildfire in the west, including  "The Colorful Dry Garden". For a decade she's been writing a national Yardsmart column that runs every week with color photography. Yardsmart is syndicated by Tribune Content Agency including the Scripps and McClatchy newspaper chains. Maureen also writes a weekly color column for The Desert Sun newspaper in Palm Springs.

She lives in the California desert north of Palm Springs. There she's rehabilitating an old cactus garden with her husband Jim. She practiced in northern and southern California, at the peak of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and Newport Beach for exposure to a wide range of climates. When not gardening she's riding wilderness trails on her Arabian horse.


"With boundless wisdom based upon years of experience promoting a water-conscious approach to gardening! Maureen Gilmer shows us how to have a gloriously productive garden—even in the face of drought."

—Richard G. Turner Jr. - Editor emeritus  "Pacific Horticulture "

"Handy when that happens and you will be able to enjoy fresh healthy and organic vegetables all year. This book is a must-have for all home gardeners."  

—The Washington Book Review "

"As a horticulturist and an ecologist I salute Mo Gilmer for tackling the important subject of water conservation! which will only become more critical as we march through this century. Water is vital to our survival and the survival of our planet and every gardener who thinks survival is important should read this book."

— Stephanie Cohen - The Perennial Diva award-winning garden writer and Garden Writers Association fellow  

"With this timely book! learn how to grow your own healthy organic vegetables without wasting water and in the process how to assess your local soil, wind and heat conditions. This is a guide everyone should own and use."

— Sally Wasowski author and award-winning gardening expert on native landscaping 

"Gilmer's guide to water-wise organic gardening is well worth heeding."

learn how to combine age-old farming techniques with new-school technology." —

— Kitsap Sun "In Growing Vegetables in Drought! Desert! & Dry Times

The Desert Sun: “Years of experience went into writing this book.”

Dies ist ein vollständiger Ratgeber über organische Gartenbearbeitung für landschaftlich trockene Extremgebiete - wie sie die Zukunft uns auch in Mitteleuropa bescheren kann, bzw. bereits unterbreitet hat. Somit ist es ein gutes Buch für die Gärtner:innenbibliothek. Viele Techniken und Lösungsvorschläge werden einfach und anschaulich erklärt, so dass auch Laien eine Chance haben, ihren Garten unter diesen Bedingungen zu gestalten. Auch dieses Buch zeigt, wie man den Boden verbessert, Wasser optimal speichert und aufbereitet und vieles mehr. Es ist klar illustriert und informativ geschrieben.


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