Claire Murigande untersucht in ihrer neuen 4-teiligen Serie im Rahmen ihres Podcast "Narrative of Purpose" nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme. Mittendrin UAB.

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Ankündigung auf Webpage Narrative of Purpose (englisch, 16. Februar 2023):
Welcome to a fresh new perspective for the Narratives of Purpose Podcast. In today’s episode, I invite you to our short three-part series on Exploring Sustainable Food Systems that will conclude this season of the podcast.
Over the following three episodes you will be hearing from multiple voices that represent who I like to call, ‘agents of change’ in their field, and for this series we will be shining a spotlight on the sustainable food movement.
This episode is an introduction to what is to come as we wrap up this powerful and thought-provoking season.
Be sure to visit our Guests page for the detailed list of guests featured in this series.
This short series on Exploring Sustainable Food Systems is supported by Fructify Network.
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